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North Harmony: Call-to-Action

Our recent outreach for support letters to the DEC highlighted an issue.  We had a significant number of submissions from residents of North Harmony, and we want to make sure that these residents are aware that their town board has declined to sponsor permits again in 2024. Reasons stated were 1) concern about preserving weed beds for fisheries 2) priority on funding for early season weed harvesting.
We invite residents of North Harmony to use the following form to direct comments about this to the town supervisor.  If you are NOT a North Harmony resident and still wish to send a letter, please be sure to explain why the town should consider your input.
Go to CHQLAKE.ORG to find more information about invasive species, herbicides, and the lake management approach.   You should also consider taking action by  attending a North Harmony town board meeting and using the public comment period to express your opinion and ask the board to support herbicide treatments for your shoreline areas.
Upon successful submission, this will generate a letter with a salutation to the official and signed “Respectfully, <your name>.  You simply need to add a few supporting statements , submit, and the letter will automatically be sent with a copy to your email and cc to CLP.

    Dear Mr. Yates,

    I am a resident of*

    I am a Chautauqua Lake stakeholder as*

    I'm writing to support the use of herbicide treatments to address the excessive growth of invasive aquatic weeds in the near-shore areas of North Harmony's shorelines.


    (Your Name will automatically be inserted here)

    Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.

    It is important for you to write a personal message in support of the 2024 herbicide applications.  Some points to consider:


    • The criticality of herbicide treatment for management of invasive weeds
    • You have received and understand information related to the specific herbicides proposed for use on Chautauqua Lake (Aquithol K and PerocellaCOR)
    • You have received adequate notifications for proposed treatement areas
    • You are satisfied that the treatments are done in accordance with DEC regulations
    • You are satisfied that all necessary safety precautions are taken into account and the treatments pose no threat to yourself, your pets, or the animal life in the lake
    • Your experience with prior years treatments and the postive impact on lake conditions

    Additionally for North Harmony:

    • Fish are killed by harvesting, but are not killed by herbicides
    • Concern about non-native weed dominance and impact on native fish populations