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Herbicide TreatmentsProduct Labels, Notifications, Maps

Actual acreage requested and treated is shown on the table here.  In 2023 for example, 260 acres were requested for Aquathol K, and of that, 126 acres were actually approved by the DEC and subsequently treated.  Similarly, for ProcellaCOR, 362 acres were requested, and of that, only 115 acres were approved and actually treated.

The acreage requested is targeted based on the fall survey mapping done by NCSU, and you can easily see that the requested areas have represented only small percentages of the lake’s total surface area.   To date, areas requested have avoided designated fish habitat/exclsuion zones, wetland buffers, and drinking water intakes in order to avoid objection from herbicide opponents and complications with DEC approvals.  However, in spite of those considerations, it has still been a significant challenge to get even these small areas approved.

Herbicide Treatment Information


New for 2025, we propose to change treatment for CLP from Aquathol K to Clearcast, which is a selective systemic herbicide that offers increased protection for native plants, slows the nutrient release from decay of targeted species, and is expected to achieve longer lasting results.  It has a very favorable environmental profile and is practically non-toxic to animals, birds, fish & aquatic invertebrates.





The chart above shows a comparison for (ProcellaCOR) permits granted in NYS for Chautauqua Lake vs. others over the past 5 years.