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Herbicide Treatment Complete We Need Your Help!

The herbicide applications were completed in the approved areas of Chautauqua Lake on June 29, 2020. As you know, very few acres of those requested for herbicide application were approved because the survey did not find sufficient evidence of Eurasian milfoil. While the survey found little evidence of Eurasian milfoil to support herbicide application, it appears that there is a strong likelihood of pervasive milfoil coming up behind the curly leaf pondweed. 

There needs to be some changes to the process for herbicide surveying so that spring weather and water conditions do not affect the ability to verify that weeds will be growing in certain areas in the spring and summer.  The CLP will continue to work with local authorities and the NYS DEC to see what progress can be made to allow earlier application of herbicides so we don’t have a similar, unacceptable situation as we did this year with the curly lead pondweed.  

We need your help too!  Please send an email to the following public authorities who are responsible for Chautauqua Lake and to the Post Journal, to let them know of the unacceptable weed conditions and the need for herbicides.
NYS DEC Region 9, Abby Snyder:  [email protected]
George Borrello, State Senator:  [email protected]
Andy Goodell, NY Assembly: [email protected]
Paul Wendell, Chautauqua County Executive:  [email protected]
Jay Young, Post Journal:  [email protected]