The herbicide applications were completed in the approved areas of Chautauqua Lake on June 29, 2020. As you know, very few acres of those requested for herbicide application were approved…
Many of us have seen beds of curly leaf pondweed reach the lake surface over the past few weeks around the lake in the littoral zone. It has raised many…
Blue Green Algae Program for 2020This year CLP is continuing to work with Bowling Green State University to identify hot spots in the lake related to Blue Green algae by…
I am a long time (20 years) lakefront property owner. Property is located in Southern Basin off Old Fluvanna Rd. (Rt. 126) in the Town of Ellicott. First let me…
The Chautauqua Institution (Institution), the Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance (Alliance) and the Town of Chautauqua are opposing new weed management technology used successfully in other states and in…
"The Chautauqua County Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), presented as a legally-binding contract, was executed by most lake-related organizations in April, 2019 with an effective date of May 1, 2019 and…
Lynn Sullivan To The Reader's Forum: Two reports were sent out this month concerning the health of Lake Chautauqua, specifically referencing the use of herbicides last summer. Read them. The…
Chautauqua Lake PartnershipBox 337Bemus Point NY 14712 November 2019 Update Fellow Members & Contributors – 2019 seems to have flown by at a record pace. The Chautauqua Lake Partnership has…
We can all FINALLY welcome Summer 2019 to Chautauqua Lake! Spring 2019 was, by all accounts, less than enjoyable for all of Western New York! That said, one advantage of the…